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Should You Follow Your Lawyer's Advice?


I have been practicing law for over 30 years and have been handling Family Law cases exclusively for over 20 years. My license as an attorney allows me to give legal advice to clients. My license allows me to practice in any areas of law that I choose. When the issues are matrimonial related given the number of years I have devoted to it and the years of client representation, I would like to think that my advice is highly regarded and based upon years of courtroom experience.

So when a client asks my advice whether regarding custody, child support, maintenance or distribution of assets I hope that they will benefit from it and follow it as well. Clients pay me for my advice and I do my very best to give them my most honest thoughts based upon experience, study and insight. There are some questions that are easily answered because the law is clear and the application is consistent. There are other situations where the law may not be clear or the answer is in the discretion of the judge. The majority of my clients will follow my advice and suggestions as I would hope since they are hiring me for that purpose. While there are some lawyers who will meekly only tell their clients what they think the client wants to hear, for fear of losing the client, I believe that is a mistake for both client and attorney.

If the lawyer over promises or only tells the client what they want to hear, the day will come where both will regret the advice. I will always do my best to advocate my client's rights and positions, privately I hope that the client will follow the advice so that the outcome is more assured and the costs are less.

If you are not confident in your attorney then hire a new attorney whose advice you trust. If you think your lawyer is experienced and knowledgeable, then strongly consider the recommendations of counsel.